Hear what manufacturing leaders and their business partners say about HMMC membership and events.

Variety Of Helpful Topics

I joined HMMC in 2007 when I moved from field sales manager to a marketing director role at B. Braun. It was good for me to join during this transition. The content at the meetings allowed me to gain exposure to a variety of topics that were helpful in my new role and personal growth. In addition, I was able to meet individuals in similar roles and make new connections to share knowledge with.”

Erik Graaf

Erik Graaf
Vice President, OPM Field Sales
B. Braun Medical, Inc.

Broader Knowledge Base

While I have been with Dukal for over 20 years, I recognize that I don’t know everything that a manufacturer needs to know to be successful bringing a product to market within the healthcare space...As part of HMMC, I get access to a broader knowledge base and can learn from the experiences of my peers. HMMC has had a positive impact on both my professional growth and the success of Dukal.”

Ellenmary Martin

Ellenmary Martin
VP, Business Development
Dukal Corporation

Success For Career And Company

The conferences are a great place to network, and the meetings have great content and interesting speakers. It was good for me to join at the time, because I was looking to increase my networking within the industry and [access] ongoing education. I’ve networked, gained friendships, learned a great deal and gained information and insight that has helped both me and my organization succeed.”

Don Nymberg

Don Nymberg
Vice President, OPM Division
B Braun Medical, Inc.

Unique, Invaluable Connections

HMMC has given me the opportunity to meet industry professionals I would have never been able to meet anywhere else....Now when I have a question, I turn to a HMMC member for help.”

Brad Baker

Brad Baker
Executive Vice President

Stronger Professional Network & Industry Knowledge

HMMC provides unique opportunities that allow me to strengthen my professional network and industry knowledge, while bringing valuable insights to assist in my day-to-day career.”

Tanya Coby

Tanya Coby
Senior Integrated Marketing Manager, Medical Marketing
Midmark Corporation

Invaluable Insights, Timely Education, Exceptional Networking

HMMC meetings offer invaluable industry insights, timely education, and exceptional networking opportunities.”

Tim Kery
Sagamore Sales & Marketing, Inc.

Smarter And Better At What We Do

It’s hard to put a value on the relationships and friends I’ve gained since being involved with HMMC. I do believe the industry respects and prefers to do business with those committed to healthcare. HMMC membership provides a resource of peers as well as conferences, which afford us to be smarter and better at what we do.”

Gerry LoDuca

Gerry LoDuca
DUKAL Corporation

A Group Of Mentors That Give Honest Feedback

I truly believe that all business professionals, no matter where they are in their career, need a personal board of directors: A group of mentors that can give honest feedback, guidance and challenge. Through HMMC, I have the best of the best on my personal board of directors.”

Janis Dezso

Janis Dezso
Principal Owner
Former VP of Sales, Aspen Surgical

j. Dez Strategies, Inc.

Networking That Would Otherwise Be Impossible

As a small company representative, I’ve been able to interact with high-level industry leaders from the distributor, provider, and manufacturing communities, which would otherwise have been impossible.”

Jim Baum
VP, Marketing & Sales
W.A. Baum, Inc.

Tremendous Resource For New Or Challenging Situations

HMMC has been a tremendous resource when facing new or challenging situations and the membership has proven to be open, willing and capable of providing counsel and guidance which has helped me to provide greater value for my company.”

“Staying up to speed on contemporary marketing challenges and opportunities in our ever evolving health care marketplace is one of the benefits of membership in HMMC. Equally important is the informal networking that takes place at each and every meeting...and sometimes in between.”

Carl Meyer

Carl Meyer
Executive Vice President
The Wetrich Group, LLC 

Job Leads When You Need Them

During my job search in late 2009, I found my new position through an announcement with HMMC.”

Don Lovre
Director, Channel Management
B Braun Medical Inc.

Networking With Other Members Has Been Invaluable

Networking with other HMMC members has been invaluable! This has benefited me personally in my leadership, my decision-making, and the ability to feel completely comfortable discussing with fellow members anything about my business. It is a group without judgment. It is a group of problem solvers, solution finders, and friends, lifelong friends. It is my safe place to be transparent about what I deal with in my business and know I'm with the best group of experts in our industry.”

Jan Beery
President, Global Life Sciences
Atypical Digital

Key Conference Takeaways

I’ve learned so much from conference speakers and panelists, and have always left each conference with at least two or three takeaways that would greatly benefit our company...HMMC's role as a voice for manufacturers, as a source of education and information for our membership, and even as a lobbying arm for our members’ interests, is vital and essential.”

John Brezack
President & CEO
Dale Medical Products, Inc.

"I’ve come to quickly value the industry education, peer to peer knowledge sharing and perspective gained from leaders in the healthcare industry!”

Brian Vierra, Senior Director of Sales, Medical Division Midmark


"We like to bring our sales and marketing leadership together to reflect and learn with other commercial leaders in the industry, and HMMC enables this through well-thought-out professional events."

Matt Bourne, Chief Commercial Officer, Midmark