Advancing The Value Of Distribution In Healthcare

The Health Industry Distributors Association (HIDA) is the premier trade association representing distributors serving healthcare providers. HIDA has provided leadership in the healthcare distribution industry since 1902.

About Healthcare Distribution

Learn more about the healthcare supply chain, and healthcare distributors’ important role within it, here.

About HIDA Members

HIDA’s distributor members offer logistics services that increase the efficiency of the nation's hospitals, nursing homes, physician practices, home health organizations, and other healthcare providers. Members range from local businesses to international Fortune 500 companies. Most distribute medical supplies and devices, but many also distribute pharmaceuticals, nutritionals, technology solutions, and many other products. Member companies differ by size, market, and specialty, but they share a focus on providing solutions that support patient care, enhance efficiency, and help providers manage total costs. Membership provides a wide range of resources and relationships that help companies perform profitably within today’s complex healthcare supply chain.

HIDA Structure

The Health Industry Distributors Association is a non-profit 501 (c) (6) trade association. The association is led by a volunteer Board of Directors and supported by staff.

The HIDA Educational Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) education and research organization dedicating to continuously improving the healthcare supply channel. HEF is affiliated with HIDA and is led by a separate volunteer Board of Directors.