December 17, 2019
Medical Device Tax To Be Permanently Repealed
Congressional leaders have included the full and permanent repeal
of the 2.3% excise tax on medical devices as part of a deal to fund the
bill was passed by the House of Representatives today and the Senate is
expected to pass the legislation by the end of this week. President Trump has
indicated he plans to sign the bill into law. The bill also includes full
repeal of the Cadillac Tax and the Health Insurance Tax.
Other healthcare funding included in the $1.4 trillion package is:
- $41.7
billion for medical research at the National Institute of Health – a 7%
increase from current levels
- Delays cuts for disproportionate-share hospitals through May 22, 2020
- Two
years of Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories
- Language
from the CREATES Act – which prevents drug makers from limiting access to
brand and biologic drugs necessary for generic and biosimilar drug
- Bars
HHS from ending auto-reenrollment in the Affordable Care Act exchanges
known as “silver loading”
- Ten
years of funding for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute that
sponsors comparative-effectiveness research to evaluate which health
treatments pose the greatest benefit and harm
funding bill did not include any of the sweeping legislative proposals to
address surprise billing or drug pricing, both top priorities for Congress
expected to be addressed next year.
Please feel free to reach out to HIDA Government Affairs with any questions at HIDAGovAffairs@HIDA.org or at