February 27, 2019
Action Needed: Tell Your Congressman To Repeal Medical Device Tax
A bipartisan group of Representatives is currently seeking original cosponsors for a bill which will permanently repeal a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices established under the Affordable Care Act. The tax is currently postponed under a two-year moratorium which expires on December 31, 2019.
Please take a moment to contact your Representative and ask them to become an original cosponsor and help to permanently repeal medical device tax.
HIDA Government Affairs has drafted a letter which you can send to your Member of Congress asking them to sign onto this new bill.
Take Action:
Write Your Congressmanâ–º
Please contact HIDA Government Affairs with any questions, comments or concerns at at hidagovaffairs@hida.org, or (703) 549-4432. HIDA Government Affairs appreciates the support of its membership, and your participation makes a difference.