AMS Program: Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs For Transitionary Period (March-April 2025)

General Questions

Why are we switching to a new AMS training portal?
HIDA is upgrading the AMS technology platform to offer streamlined user experience and new course formats.

What are the benefits of the new training portal?
We're thrilled to announce interactive eLearning versions of our traditional text-based courses soon to be available on our new training portal! These engaging, online courses feature interactive elements, rich audio and visuals, and mobile-friendly access on mobile devices and tablets. The new training portal will also have catalog filtering, search capabilities, progress tracking and other interface enhancements to help you manage your learning and keep your managers informed.

What does interactive eLearning mean?
Interactive eLearning is a flexible, self-paced approach to education that prioritizes active learner engagement. It utilizes rich multimedia, such as audio and visuals, alongside interactive knowledge checks and exercises to foster deeper understanding and retention.

Will all the text courses be converted to eLearning?
Yes, that’s the goal. At least 5 courses will be available in eLearning and podcast formats by Spring 2025. The HIDA team aims to have 20 AMS courses converted to these new formats by end of 2025.

Are there any major changes to the AMS program once we move to the new training portal?
Yes. One important change to the program is the way learners complete the AMS Accreditation. The comprehensive AMS exam is being eliminated. You'll now earn your AMS designation by taking 12 courses and passing the course test for each.

What if I’m currently preparing for the AMS Accreditation, what are my options?
For those who are actively pursuing AMS Accreditation at the time of the transition, you have two options:

  • Option 1: Take the AMS Exam as originally planned. There will be three more test options available – April 9, May 7 and June 3. There will be no additional exam dates added.
  • Option 2: Complete your certification on the new training portal. To ensure a seamless transition, we'll transfer your existing course completion records, so you won't need to repeat any courses you've already finished.
  • You must email or complete the form below notifying the AMS Support Team that you are actively pursuing the Certification by Monday, March 24, so that the proper information is carried over to the new system.

Access And Logins

How do I log in to the new AMS Training Portal?
You will use the same HIDA/AMS login.

What if I forget my password? How do I reset it?
You can reset your password through the HIDA reset link on the login screen or email for assistance.

What browsers are supported? Does it work on my mobile/tablet?
The new training portal can be accessed through the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge; and is fully functional through mobile devices and tablets.

Is there an app I can download?
There is no app, but the training portal is accessible through mobile devices and tablets.

Who should I contact if I have issues with my account?
If you run into any issues with your account, contact the AMS Support Team at

What will carry over to the new AMS Portal?
  • For AMS Accredited reps, your designation will carry over and any courses/webinars you’ve taken for AMS points since your last renewal date. You will be automatically assigned to the maintenance renewal cycle. Previous course completion history will not carry over.
  • For all other users, course history completion records from the past two years will be carried over to the new training portal. If you are actively pursuing the AMS Accreditation, please reference the earlier FAQ above as the AMS Accreditation process is changing.

How long will I have access to the old AMS website/training portal?
The current AMS website will stay open until April 30. For those who would like to download a complete training history, please make sure to download your own records prior to this date.

Will the AMS renewal date change?
AMS Accredited reps with a February 1 renewal date will see no change. Those with a July 1, 2025 renewal date will have their renewal date changed to February 1, 2026 on the new training portal. All Accredited reps will have February 1st renewal date in the new system.

Will there be training available on how to use the new AMS Training portal?
Yes. HIDA will record short training videos on how to navigate the new system.

For AMS Managers

What data (user progress, completion records, etc.) will be migrated to the new LMS?
Accredited reps will be automatically enrolled in the “AMS Credential Maintenance” pathway where they’ll be able to track their leaning activities and points needed renewal. The July 1 renewals will be merged into one renewal cycle – February 1, 2026. July 1 renewal reps will be granted additional time to get their 5 AMS points as part of the LMS transition.

What reporting capabilities does the new LMS offer?
AMS Managers will be able to pull and export their own reports such as “Student Progress By Activity” “ Student Progress By Certification Program” and “Current and Completed Learning by group or users”.

Can we track learner progress and performance across different courses?
Yes. The Team Dashboard will show you a listing of all learners under your company group. You can view individual training records, or you can Launch Reports and pull aggregate information.

How will new AMS accounts be created and managed in the new LMS?
HIDA will still manage the creation of new AMS records. Please continue to send new account requests to the AMS Support Team at

Will the new system allow for my company’s Accredited reps to take courses again for AMS points?
Yes. HIDA will automatically assign AMS accredited reps into the AMS Credential Maintenance pathway, and we will not carry over prior course completion history. Therefore, as part of the transition, AMS Accredited reps will be able to retake courses once for AMS points in the new training portal.

Confirm Ongoing AMS Certification

To confirm you are actively pursuing the AMS Certification, please email or complete the form below.

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